Dr. Richard Harrison’s Publications
- Harrison, R.J. and Salje, E.K.H. (1994) X-ray diffraction study of the displacive phase transition in anorthoclase, grain-size effects and surface relaxations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21, 325-329.
- Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1995) Magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution: Saturation magnetization and cation distributions. American Mineralogist 80, 213-221.
- Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1996) Magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution: Curie temperatures, magnetic susceptibilities and cation ordering. American Mineralogist 81, 375-384.
- Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1997) The interaction between exsolution microstructures and magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution. American Mineralogist 82, 131-142.
- Redfern, S.A.T., Henderson, M., Wood, B.J., Harrison, R.J., and Knight, K. (1996) Olivine geospeedometry from non-convergent M-site ordering. Nature 381, 407-409.
- Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1997) The coupling between magnetic and cation ordering: A macroscopic approach. European Journal of Mineralogy, 9, 1115-1130.
- Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., and O’Neill, H.St.C. (1998) The temperature dependence of the cation distribution in synthetic hercynite (FeAl2O4) from in-situ neutron structure refinements. American Mineralogist, 83, 1092-1099.
- Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1999) Determination of the mechanism of cation ordering in magnesioferrite (MgFe2O4) from the time- and temperature-dependence of magnetic susceptibility. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 26, 322-332.
- Grguric, B.A., Putnis, A., and Harrison, R.J. (1998) An investigation of the phase transitions in bornite (Cu5FeS4) using neutron diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. American Mineralogist, 83, 1231-1239.
- Redfern, S.A.T., Harrison, R.J., O’Neill, H.St.C., and Wood, D.R.R. (1999) Thermodynamics and kinetics of cation ordering in MgAl2O4 spinel up to 1600 °C from in situ neutron diffraction. American Mineralogist, 84, 299-310.
- Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1999) The magnetic properties and mineralogy of oxide spinel solid solutions. Surveys in Geophysics, 19, 461-520 (invited paper).
- Harrison, R.J., Dove, M.T., Knight, K.S., and Putnis, A. (1999) In situ neutron diffraction study of non-convergent ordering in the spinel solid solution (Fe3O4)1-x(MgAl2O4)x: kinetics and equilibrium ordering. American Mineralogist, 84, 555-563.
- Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T, and Smith, R.I. (2000) In-situ study of the R-3 to R-3c phase transition in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution using time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction. American Mineralogist, 85, 194-205.
- Grguric, B.A., Harrison, R.J., and Putnis, A. (2000) A revised phase diagram for the bornite-digenite join from in-situ neutron diffraction and dsc experiments. Mineralogical Magazine, 64, 299-317.
- Becker, U., Fernandez-Gonzalez, A., Prieto, M., Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (2000) Direct calculation of the mixing enthalpy of the barite/celestite system. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 27, 291-300.
- Redfern, S.A.T. and Harrison, R.J. (2000) Order-disorder phase transitions in silicates and oxides: Recent observations of strain coupling. Ferroelectrics, 236, 293-303.
- Harrison, R.J. (2000) Magnetic transitions in Minerals. American Mineralogical Society Reviews in Mineralogy, 39, 175-202 (invited paper).
- Harrison, R.J., Becker, U., and Redfern, S.A.T. (2000) Thermodynamics of the R-3 to R-3c phase transition in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution. American Mineralogist, 85, 1694-1705.
- Harrison, R.J. and Redfern, S.A.T. (2001) Short- and long-range ordering in the ilmentite-hematite solid solution, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 28, 399-412.
- Harrison, R.J. and Becker, U. (2001) Magnetic ordering in solid solutions. In C. Geiger (ed) “Solid solutions in silicate and oxide systems”, European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy Vol. 3 Chapter 13, 349-383 (invited paper).
- McEnroe, S.A., Harrison, R.J., Robinson, P., Golla, U., and Jercinovic, M.J. (2001) The effect of fine-scale microstructures in titanohematite on the acquisition and stability of NRM in granulite facies metamorphic rocks from Southwest Sweden. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 30523-30546.
- Liu, H., Harrison, R.J., and Putnis, A. (2001) A triclinic phase of relaxor La-modified Pb(Zr0.65Ti0.35)O3 and its structure at 40 K by high-resolution neutron diffraction. Journal of Applied Physics 90, 6321-6326.
- Harrison, R.J., Putnis, A., and Kockelmann, W. (2002) Phase transition behaviour and equilibrium phase relations in the fast-ion conductor system Na3PO4-Na2SO4. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4, 3252-3259.
- Robinson, P., Harrison, R.J., McEnroe, S.A., and Hargraves, R.B. (2002) Lamellar magnetism in the haematite-ilmenite series as an explanation for strong remanent magnetization. Nature 418, 517-520.
- McEnroe, S.A., Harrison, R.J., Robinson, P., and Langenhorst. F (2002) Nanoscale hematite-ilmenite in massive ilmenite rock: an example of ‘lamellar magnetism’ with implications for planetary magnetic anomalies. Geophysical Journal International, 151, 890-912.
- Harrison, R.J. and Redfern, S.A.T. (2002) The influence of transformation twins on the seismic-frequency elastic and anelastic properties of perovskite: Dynamical mechanical analysis of single-crystal LaAlO3. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 134, 253-272.
- Harrison, R.J., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., and Putnis, A. (2002) Direct imaging of nanoscale magnetic interactions in minerals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99, 16556-16561.
- Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., and Street, J. (2003) The effect of transformation twins on the seismic-frequency mechanical properties of polycrystalline Ca1-xSrxTiO3 perovskite. American Mineralogist, 88, 574-582.
- Robinson, P., Harrison, R.J., McEnroe, S.A., and R.B. Hargraves (2004) Nature and origin of lamellar magnetism in the hematite-ilmenite series, American Mineralogist, 89, 725-747.
- Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., Buckley, A., and Salje, E.K.H. (2004) Application of real-time, stroboscopic X-ray diffraction with dynamical mechanical analysis to characterise the motion of ferroelastic domain walls. Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 1706-1717.
- Harrison, R.J. (2003) Microstructure and mineral behaviour. Geotimes, 48, 18-19 (invited paper).
- Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., Salje, E.K.H. (2004) Dynamical excitation and anelastic relaxation of ferroelastic domain walls in LaAlO3. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter, 69, 144101.
- Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Kasama, T., Wei, A., Tripp, Hytch, M., Snoeck, E., Harrison, R.J., and Putnis, A. (2004) Off-axis electron holography of magnetic nanowires and chains, rings, planar arrays of magnetic nanoparticles. Microscopy Research and Technique, 64, 390–402.
- Redfern, S.A.T. and Harrison, R.J. (2004) Imaging domain dynamics by combined XRD-DMA. Microscopy and Analysis, 105, 5-7.
- Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., and Bismayer, U. (2004) Seismic-frequency attenuation at first-order phase transitions: dynamical mechanical analysis of pure and Ca-doped lead orthophosphate. Mineralogical Magazine, 68, 839-852.
- McEnroe, S.A., Harrison, R.J., Robinson, P, Jackson, M., Hirt, A., Langenhorst, F., Kasama, T., Putnis, A., Brown, L., and Golla-Schindler, U. (2005) Lamellar magnetism: Effects of interface versus exchange interactions of nanoscale exsolutions in the ilmenite-hematite system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 17, 154-167.
- Simpson, E.T., Kasama, T., Pósfai, M., Buseck, P.R., Harrison, R.J., and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. (2005) Magnetic induction mapping of magnetite chains in magnetotactic bacteria at room temperature and close to the Verwey transition using electron holography. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 17, 108-121.
- Harrison, R.J., Kasama, T., White, T.A., Simpson, E.T., and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. (2005) Origin of Self-Reversed Thermoremanent Magnetization. Physical Review Letters 95, 268501.
- Robinson, P, Harrison, R.J., and McEnroe, S.A. (2006) Fe2+/Fe3+ charge ordering in contact layers of lamellar magnetism: bond valence arguments. American Mineralogist, 91, 67-72.
- Harrison, R.J., Stone, H.J., and Redfern, S.A.T. (2006) Pressure dependence of Fe-Ti order in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution: implications for the origin of lower crustal magnetization. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 154, 266–275.
- Harrison, R.J. (2006) Microstructure and magnetism in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution: a Monte Carlo simulation study. American Mineralogist, 91, 1006-1024.
- Daraktchiev, M., Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., Mountstevens, E.H. (2006) Effect of transformation twins on the anelastic behaviour of polycrystalline Ca1-xSrxTiO3 and SrxBa1-xSnO3 perovskite in relation to the seismic properties of Earth’s mantle perovskite. Mat Sci Engin A, 442 199-203.
- Jakeways, C.V., Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T. (2006) Mechanical properties and domain wall mobility of LaGaO3 perovskite over a first order phase transition. Mat Sci Engin A, 442 203-207.
- Walsh, J.N., Harrison, R.J., Redfern S.A.T (2006) Anelastic behaviour of leucite KAlSi2O6. Mat Sci Engin A, 442 208-211.
- Feinberg J.M., Harrison, R.J., Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Scott, G.R., and Renne, R.R. (2006) The effects of nanometer-scale mineral structures on the magnetic remanence of silicate-hosted titanomagnetite inclusions: An electron holography study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 B12S15.
- Harrison, R.J. (2006) Neutron Diffraction of Magnetic Materials. American Mineralogical Society Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 63 113-143.
- Wang, C., Redfern, S.A.T., Daraktchiev, M., and Harrison, R.J. (2006) Memory effect of a mechanical anomaly related to ferroelastic domain switching in rhombohedral lead zirconate titanate ceramics. Applied Physics Letters 89 152906
- Harrison, R.J. Dunin-Borkowski, R., Kasama, T., Simpson, E.T., and Feinberg, J. M.(2007) Magnetic properties of Rocks and Minerals. In: G.D. Price (Ed.) Treatise on Geophysics Vol 2 Mineral Physics, Elsevier. (invited paper).
- Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Kasama, T. and Harrison, R.J. (2007) Electron holography of nanostructured materials. In “Nanocharacterisation”, pp. 138-183, edited by A I Kirkland and J L Hutchison (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007). ISBN 0854042418.
- Palin, E.J. and Harrison, R.J. (2007) A Monte Carlo investigation of the thermodynamics of cation ordering in 2-3 spinels. American Mineralogist, 92, 1334-1345.
- McEnroe, S.A., Carter-Stiglitz, B., Harrison, R.J., Robinson, P., Fabian, K., McCammon, C. (2007) Magnetic exchange bias of more than 1 Tesla in a natural mineral intergrowth. Nature Nanotechnology, doi:10.1038/nnano.2007.292.
- Harrison, R.J., McEnroe S.E., Robinson P., Carter-Stiglitz, B., Palin E.J., Kasama T. (2007) Low-temperature exchange coupling between Fe2O3 and FeTiO3: insight into the mechanism of exchange bias in a natural nanoscale intergrowth. Phys. Rev. B, 76 174436.
- Junginger, F., Kläui, M., Backes, D., Krzyk, S., Rüdiger, U., Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., and Heyderman, L.J. (2008) Quantitative determination of vortex core dimensions in head-to-head domain walls using off-axis electron holography. Applied Physics Letters 92, 112502 DOI:10.1063/1.2829601
- Harrison, R.J., and J. M. Feinberg (2008), FORCinel: An improved algorithm for calculating first-order reversal curve (FORC) distributions using locally-weighted regression smoothing, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2008GC001987.
- Palin, E.J., Walker, A.M., and Harrison, R.J. (2008) A computational study of order-disorder phenomena in Mg2TiO4 spinel (qandilite). American Mineralogist, 93, 1363–1372.
- Palin, E.J. and Harrison, R.J. (2007) A computational investigation of cation ordering phenomena in the binary spinel system MgAl2O4-FeAl2O4. Mineralogical Magazine, 71, 611–624.
- Gruverman, A., Wu, D., Fan, H.-J., Vrejoiu, I., Alexe, M., Harrison, R.J., and J. F. Scott (2008) Vortex Ferroelectric Domains. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 20 342201 doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/20/34/342201.
- Redfern, S.A.T. and Harrison, R.J. (2009) Structural and magnetic phase transitions in minerals: in situ studies by neutron diffraction. In: L. Liang, R. Rinaldi, and H. Schober (eds.) Neutron Applications in Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences, Springer, Chapter 4, 107-143
- Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Asaka, T., Harrison, R.J., Chong, R.K.K., McEnroe, S.A., Simpson, E.T., Matsui, Y., and Putnis, A. (2009) The application of Lorentz transmission electron microscopy to the study of lamellar magnetism in hematite-ilmenite. American Mineralogist, 94, 262-269.
- Harrison, R.J. (2009) Magnetic ordering in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution: A computational study of the low-temperature spin glass region, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q02Z02, doi:101029/2008GC002240.
- Catalan, G., Sardar, K., Church, N.S., Scott, J.F., Harrison, R.J., and Redfern, S.A.T. (2009) Effect of chemical substitution on the Néel temperature of multiferroic Bi1-xCaxFeO3. Phys. Rev. B 79, 212415 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.212415
- Feinberg, J.M. and Harrison, R.J. (2009) Mineral Magnetism: From Microbes to Meteorites. Guest Editors of Elements Vol. 5 Issue 4.
- Harrison, R.J. and Feinberg, J.M. (2009) Mineral Magnetism: Providing New Insights Into Geoscience Processes. Elements, 5, 209-215.
- Galindo-Gonzalez, C., Feinberg, J.M., Kasama, T., Cervera Gontard, L., Pósfai, M., Kósa, I., Duran, J.D.G., Gil1, J.E., Harrison, R.J., and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. (2009) Magnetic and microscopic characterization of magnetite nanoparticles adhered to clay surfaces. American Mineralogist, 94, 1120 – 1129.
- Brownlee, S.J., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Kasama, T., Scott, G.R., and Renne, P.R. (2010) Thermal modification of hematite-ilmenite intergrowths in the Ecstall pluton, British Columbia, Canada. American Mineralogist, 95, 153–160.
- Mcneil, R., Schneble, R., Kataoka, M., Ford, C., Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Barnes, C., Tse, D., Trypiniotis, T., Bland, J., Anderson, D., Jones, G., and Pepper, M. (2010) Localized Magnetic Fields in Arbitrary Directions Using Patterned Nanomagnets. Nano Letters. DOI: 10.1021/nl902949v.
- Harrison, R.J., McEnroe, S.A., Robinson, P., and Howard, C.J. (2010) Spin orientation in a natural Ti-bearing hematite: evidence for an out-of-plane component. American Mineralogist, 95, 974–979.
- Nabi, H.S., Harrison, R.J., and Pentcheva, R. (2010) Magnetic coupling parameters at an oxide-oxide interface from first principles: Fe2O3-FeTiO3. Physical Review B, 81, 214432. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.214432
- Kasama, T., Church, N.S., Feinberg, J.M., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Harrison, R.J. (2010) Direct observation of ferrimagnetic/ferroelastic domain interactions in magnetite below the Verwey transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 297 10–17. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.05.004
- Harrison, R.J. and Salje, E.K.H. (2010) The noise of the needle: avalanches of a single progressing needle domain in LaAlO3. Applied Physics Letters, 97, 021907.
- Church, N., Feinberg, J. and Harrison, R.J. (2011) Low-temperature domain wall pinning in titanomagnetite. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12, Q07Z27, doi:10.1029/2011GC003538.
- Brownlee, S., Feinberg, J.M., Kasama, T., Harrison, R.J., Scott, G., and Renne, P. (2011) Magnetic properties of ilmenite-hematite single crystals from the Ecstall pluton near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12, Q07Z29, doi:10.1029/2011GC003622.
- Harrison, R.J. and Salje, E.K.H. (2011) Ferroic switching, avalanches and the Larkin length: needle domains in LaAlO3. Applied Physics Letters, 99, 151915; doi:10.1063/1.3650475.
- Lappe, S.L.L., Church, N.S., Kasama, T., Bastos da Silva Fanta, A., Bromiley, G., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Feinberg, J.M., Russell, S., Harrison, R.J. (2011) Mineral magnetism of dusty olivine: a credible recorder of pre-accretionary remanence. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2011GC003811.
- Robinson, P., Harrison, R.J., Miyajima, N., McEnroe, S.A., and Fabian, K. (2012) Chemical and magnetic properties of rapidly cooled metastable ferri-ilmenite solid solutions – implications for magnetic self-reversal and exchange bias: II. Chemical changes during quench and annealing. Geophysical Journal International, 188, 447-472.
- Frenzel, M., Harrison, R.J., and Harper, E.M. (2011). Nanostructure and crystallography of aberrant columnar vaterite occurring in Corbicula fluminea (Mollusca). Journal of Structural Biology, 178, 8-18.
- Z. Zhang, N.S. Church, S.C.L. Lappe, M. Reinecker, A. Fuith, P.J. Saines, R.J Harrison, W. Schranz and M.A. Carpenter (2012) Elastic and anelastic anomalies associated with the antiferromagnetic ordering transition in wüstite, FexO. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24 215404 doi:10.1088/
0953-8984/ .24/ 21/ 215404 - Kasama, T., Harrison, R.J., Church, N.S., Nagao, M., Feinberg, J.M., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. (2012) Ferrimagnetic/ferroelastic domain interactions in magnetite below the Verwey transition. Part I: electron holography and Lorentz microscopy. Phase Transitions, 86, 67–87, DOI: 10.1080/01411594.2012.695373.
- Bryson, J.F.J., Kasama T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., and Harrison, R.J. (2012) Ferrimagnetic/ferroelastic domain interactions in magnetite below the Verwey transition. Part II: micromagnetic and image simulations. Phase Transitions, 86, 88–102, DOI: 10.1080/01411594.2012.695372.
- Varon, M., Beleggia, M., Kasama, T., Harrison R.J., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Puntes, V.F., and Frandsen, C. (2013). Direct observation of dipolar magnetism in low-dimensional nanoparticle assemblies. Scientific Reports, 3, 1234, DOI: 10.1038/srep01234.
- Robinson, P, Fabian, K, Harrison, R.J., and McEnroe, S.A. (2012) Chemical and magnetic properties of rapidly cooled metastable ferri-ilmenite solid solutions: implications for magnetic self-reversal and exchange bias-III. Magnetic interactions in samples produced by Fe-Ti ordering. Geophysical Journal International, 191, 1025–1047.
- Oravova, L. Zhang, Z., Church, N.S., Harrison, R.J., Howard, C.J., and Carpenter, M.A. (2013) Elastic and anelastic relaxations accompanying magnetic ordering and spin-flop transitions in hematite, Fe2O3. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25, 116006, doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/11/116006.
- Harrison, R.J., Palin, E.J. and Perks, N. (2013) A computational study of cation ordering in the magnesioferrite-qandilite (MgFe2O4-Mg2TiO4) solid solution: a magnesium analogue of titanomagnetite? American Mineralogist, 98, 698–708.
- Lappe, S.C.L.L, Feinberg, J.M., Muxworthy, A.R. and Harrison, R.J. (2013) Comparison and calibration of non-heating paleointensity methods: A case study using dusty olivine. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14, 2143–2158, doi:10.1002/ ggge.20141.
- Harrison, R.J, Hochella, M.F. Jr., Murphy, K. and Vaughan, D.J. (2013) One hundred mineralogical questions impacting the future of the earth, planetary and environmental sciences. Elements, 9, 168-170.
- Robinson, P., McEnroe S.A, Fabian K., Harrison, R.J., Thomas, C.I. and Mukai, H. (2013) Chemical and magnetic properties of rapidly cooled metastable ferri-ilmenite solid solutions: IV. The fine structure of self-reversed thermo-remanent magnetization. Geophysical Journal International, 196 (3), 1375-1396, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt486.
- Bryson, J. F., Church, N. S., Kasama, T. and Harrison, R.J. (2014) Nanomagnetic intergrowths in Fe-Ni meteoritic metal: the potential for time-resolved records of planetesimal dynamo fields. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 388, 237–248.
- Bryson J.F., Herrero-Albillos, J., Kronast, F., Ghidini, M., Redfern, S.A.T., van der Laan, G. and Harrison, R.J. (2014) Nanopaleomagnetism of meteoritic Fe–Ni studied using X-ray photoemission electron microscopy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 396, 125–133.
- Brok, E., Sales, M., Lefmann, K.Theil Kuhn, L., Schmidt, W.F., Roessli, B., Robinson, P., McEnroe, S.A. and Harrison, R.J. (2014) Physical Review B, 89, 054430.