
A multiscale approach to paleomagnetic analysis of geological materials


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Dr. Richard Harrison’s Publications

  1. Harrison, R.J. and Salje, E.K.H. (1994) X-ray diffraction study of the displacive phase transition in anorthoclase, grain-size effects and surface relaxations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21, 325-329.
  2. Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1995) Magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution: Saturation magnetization  and cation distributions. American Mineralogist 80, 213-221.
  3. Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1996) Magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution: Curie temperatures, magnetic susceptibilities and cation ordering. American Mineralogist 81, 375-384.
  4. Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1997) The interaction between exsolution microstructures and magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution. American Mineralogist 82, 131-142.
  5. Redfern, S.A.T., Henderson, M., Wood, B.J., Harrison, R.J., and Knight, K. (1996) Olivine geospeedometry from non-convergent M-site ordering. Nature 381, 407-409.
  6. Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1997) The coupling between magnetic and cation ordering: A macroscopic approach. European Journal of Mineralogy, 9, 1115-1130.
  7. Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., and O’Neill, H.St.C. (1998) The temperature dependence of the cation distribution in synthetic hercynite (FeAl2O4) from in-situ neutron structure refinements. American Mineralogist, 83, 1092-1099.
  8. Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1999) Determination of the mechanism of cation ordering in magnesioferrite (MgFe2O4) from the time- and temperature-dependence of magnetic susceptibility. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 26, 322-332.
  9. Grguric, B.A., Putnis, A., and Harrison, R.J. (1998) An investigation of the phase transitions in bornite (Cu5FeS4) using neutron diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. American Mineralogist, 83, 1231-1239.
  10. Redfern, S.A.T., Harrison, R.J., O’Neill, H.St.C., and Wood, D.R.R. (1999) Thermodynamics and kinetics of cation ordering in MgAl2O4 spinel up to 1600 °C from in situ neutron diffraction. American Mineralogist, 84, 299-310.
  11. Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (1999) The magnetic properties and mineralogy of oxide spinel solid solutions. Surveys in Geophysics, 19, 461-520 (invited paper).
  12. Harrison, R.J., Dove, M.T., Knight, K.S., and Putnis, A. (1999) In situ neutron diffraction study of non-convergent ordering in the spinel solid solution (Fe3O4)1-x(MgAl2O4)x: kinetics and equilibrium ordering. American Mineralogist, 84, 555-563.
  13. Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T, and Smith, R.I. (2000) In-situ study of the R-3 to R-3c phase transition in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution using time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction. American Mineralogist, 85, 194-205.
  14. Grguric, B.A., Harrison, R.J., and Putnis, A. (2000) A revised phase diagram for the bornite-digenite join from in-situ neutron diffraction and dsc experiments. Mineralogical Magazine, 64, 299-317.
  15. Becker, U., Fernandez-Gonzalez, A., Prieto, M., Harrison, R.J. and Putnis, A. (2000) Direct calculation of the mixing enthalpy of the barite/celestite system. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 27, 291-300.
  16. Redfern, S.A.T. and Harrison, R.J. (2000) Order-disorder phase transitions in silicates and oxides: Recent observations of strain coupling. Ferroelectrics, 236, 293-303.
  17. Harrison, R.J. (2000) Magnetic transitions in Minerals. American Mineralogical Society Reviews in Mineralogy, 39, 175-202 (invited paper).
  18. Harrison, R.J., Becker, U., and Redfern, S.A.T. (2000) Thermodynamics of the R-3 to R-3c phase transition in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution. American Mineralogist, 85, 1694-1705.
  19. Harrison, R.J. and Redfern, S.A.T. (2001) Short- and long-range ordering in the ilmentite-hematite solid solution, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 28, 399-412.
  20. Harrison, R.J. and Becker, U. (2001) Magnetic ordering in solid solutions. In C. Geiger (ed) “Solid solutions in silicate and oxide systems”, European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy Vol. 3 Chapter 13, 349-383 (invited paper).
  21. McEnroe, S.A., Harrison, R.J., Robinson, P., Golla, U., and Jercinovic, M.J. (2001) The effect of fine-scale microstructures in titanohematite on the acquisition and stability of NRM in granulite facies metamorphic rocks from Southwest Sweden. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 30523-30546.
  22. Liu, H., Harrison, R.J., and Putnis, A. (2001) A triclinic phase of relaxor La-modified Pb(Zr0.65Ti0.35)O3 and its structure at 40 K by high-resolution neutron diffraction. Journal of Applied Physics 90, 6321-6326.
  23. Harrison, R.J., Putnis, A., and Kockelmann, W. (2002) Phase transition behaviour and equilibrium phase relations in the fast-ion conductor system Na3PO4-Na2SO4. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4, 3252-3259.
  24. Robinson, P., Harrison, R.J., McEnroe, S.A., and Hargraves, R.B. (2002) Lamellar magnetism in the haematite-ilmenite series as an explanation for strong remanent magnetization. Nature 418, 517-520.
  25. McEnroe, S.A., Harrison, R.J., Robinson, P., and Langenhorst. F (2002) Nanoscale hematite-ilmenite in massive ilmenite rock: an example of ‘lamellar magnetism’ with implications for planetary magnetic anomalies. Geophysical Journal International, 151, 890-912.
  26. Harrison, R.J. and Redfern, S.A.T. (2002) The influence of transformation twins on the seismic-frequency elastic and anelastic properties of perovskite: Dynamical mechanical analysis of single-crystal LaAlO3. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 134, 253-272.
  27. Harrison, R.J., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., and Putnis, A. (2002) Direct imaging of nanoscale magnetic interactions in minerals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99, 16556-16561.
  28. Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., and Street, J. (2003) The effect of transformation twins on the seismic-frequency mechanical properties of polycrystalline Ca1-xSrxTiO3 perovskite. American Mineralogist, 88, 574-582.
  29. Robinson, P., Harrison, R.J., McEnroe, S.A., and R.B. Hargraves (2004) Nature and origin of lamellar  magnetism in the hematite-ilmenite series, American Mineralogist, 89, 725-747.
  30. Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., Buckley, A., and Salje, E.K.H. (2004) Application of real-time, stroboscopic X-ray diffraction with dynamical mechanical analysis to characterise the motion of ferroelastic domain walls. Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 1706-1717.
  31. Harrison, R.J. (2003) Microstructure and mineral behaviour. Geotimes, 48, 18-19 (invited paper).
  32. Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., Salje, E.K.H. (2004) Dynamical excitation and anelastic relaxation of ferroelastic domain walls in LaAlO3. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter, 69, 144101.
  33. Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Kasama, T., Wei, A., Tripp, Hytch, M., Snoeck, E., Harrison, R.J., and Putnis, A. (2004) Off-axis electron holography of magnetic nanowires and chains, rings, planar arrays of magnetic nanoparticles. Microscopy Research and Technique, 64, 390–402.
  34. Redfern, S.A.T. and Harrison, R.J. (2004) Imaging domain dynamics by combined XRD-DMA. Microscopy and Analysis, 105, 5-7.
  35. Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., and Bismayer, U. (2004) Seismic-frequency attenuation at first-order phase transitions: dynamical mechanical analysis of pure and Ca-doped lead orthophosphate. Mineralogical Magazine, 68, 839-852.
  36. McEnroe, S.A., Harrison, R.J., Robinson, P, Jackson, M., Hirt, A., Langenhorst, F., Kasama, T., Putnis, A., Brown, L., and Golla-Schindler, U. (2005) Lamellar magnetism: Effects of interface versus exchange interactions of nanoscale exsolutions in the ilmenite-hematite  system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 17, 154-167.
  37. Simpson, E.T., Kasama, T., Pósfai, M., Buseck, P.R., Harrison, R.J., and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. (2005) Magnetic induction mapping of magnetite chains in magnetotactic bacteria at room temperature and close to the Verwey transition using electron holography. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 17, 108-121.
  38. Harrison, R.J., Kasama, T., White, T.A., Simpson, E.T., and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. (2005) Origin of Self-Reversed Thermoremanent Magnetization. Physical Review Letters  95, 268501.
  39. Robinson, P, Harrison, R.J., and McEnroe, S.A. (2006) Fe2+/Fe3+ charge ordering in contact layers of lamellar magnetism: bond valence arguments. American Mineralogist, 91, 67-72.
  40. Harrison, R.J., Stone, H.J., and Redfern, S.A.T. (2006) Pressure dependence of Fe-Ti order in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution: implications for the origin of lower crustal magnetization. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 154,  266–275.
  41. Harrison, R.J. (2006) Microstructure and magnetism in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution: a Monte Carlo simulation study. American Mineralogist, 91, 1006-1024.
  42. Daraktchiev, M., Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T., Mountstevens, E.H. (2006) Effect of transformation twins on the anelastic behaviour of polycrystalline Ca1-xSrxTiO3 and SrxBa1-xSnO3 perovskite in relation to the seismic properties of Earth’s mantle perovskite. Mat Sci Engin A, 442 199-203.
  43. Jakeways, C.V., Harrison, R.J., Redfern, S.A.T. (2006) Mechanical properties and domain wall mobility of LaGaO3 perovskite over a first order phase transition. Mat Sci Engin A, 442 203-207.
  44. Walsh, J.N., Harrison, R.J., Redfern S.A.T (2006) Anelastic behaviour of leucite KAlSi2O6. Mat Sci Engin A, 442 208-211.
  45. Feinberg J.M., Harrison, R.J., Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Scott, G.R., and Renne, R.R. (2006) The effects of nanometer-scale mineral structures on the magnetic remanence of silicate-hosted titanomagnetite inclusions: An electron holography study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 B12S15.
  46. Harrison, R.J. (2006) Neutron Diffraction of Magnetic Materials. American Mineralogical Society Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 63 113-143.
  47. Wang, C., Redfern, S.A.T., Daraktchiev, M., and Harrison, R.J. (2006) Memory effect of a mechanical anomaly related to ferroelastic domain switching in rhombohedral lead zirconate titanate ceramics. Applied Physics Letters 89 152906
  48. Harrison, R.J. Dunin-Borkowski, R., Kasama, T., Simpson, E.T., and Feinberg, J. M.(2007) Magnetic properties of Rocks and Minerals. In: G.D. Price (Ed.) Treatise on Geophysics Vol 2 Mineral Physics, Elsevier. (invited paper).
  49. Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Kasama, T. and Harrison, R.J. (2007) Electron holography of nanostructured materials. In “Nanocharacterisation”, pp. 138-183, edited by A I Kirkland and J L Hutchison (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007). ISBN 0854042418.
  50. Palin, E.J. and Harrison, R.J. (2007) A Monte Carlo investigation of the thermodynamics of cation ordering in 2-3 spinels. American Mineralogist, 92, 1334-1345.
  51. McEnroe, S.A., Carter-Stiglitz, B., Harrison, R.J., Robinson, P., Fabian, K., McCammon, C. (2007) Magnetic exchange bias of more than 1 Tesla in a natural mineral intergrowth. Nature Nanotechnology, doi:10.1038/nnano.2007.292.
  52. Harrison, R.J., McEnroe S.E., Robinson P., Carter-Stiglitz, B., Palin E.J., Kasama T. (2007) Low-temperature exchange coupling between Fe2O3 and FeTiO3: insight into the mechanism of exchange bias in a natural nanoscale intergrowth. Phys. Rev. B, 76 174436.
  53. Junginger, F., Kläui, M., Backes, D., Krzyk, S., Rüdiger, U., Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., and Heyderman, L.J. (2008) Quantitative determination of vortex core dimensions in head-to-head domain walls using off-axis electron holography. Applied Physics Letters 92, 112502 DOI:10.1063/1.2829601
  54. Harrison, R.J., and J. M. Feinberg (2008), FORCinel: An improved algorithm for calculating first-order reversal curve (FORC) distributions using locally-weighted regression smoothing, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2008GC001987.
  55. Palin, E.J., Walker, A.M., and Harrison, R.J. (2008) A computational study of order-disorder phenomena in Mg2TiO4 spinel (qandilite). American Mineralogist, 93, 1363–1372.
  56. Palin, E.J. and Harrison, R.J. (2007) A computational investigation of cation ordering phenomena in the binary spinel system MgAl2O4-FeAl2O4. Mineralogical Magazine, 71, 611–624.
  57. Gruverman, A., Wu, D., Fan, H.-J., Vrejoiu, I., Alexe, M., Harrison, R.J., and J. F. Scott (2008) Vortex Ferroelectric Domains. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 20 342201 doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/20/34/342201.
  58. Redfern, S.A.T. and Harrison, R.J. (2009) Structural and magnetic phase transitions in minerals: in situ studies by neutron diffraction. In: L. Liang, R. Rinaldi, and H. Schober (eds.) Neutron Applications in Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences, Springer, Chapter 4, 107-143
  59. Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Asaka, T., Harrison, R.J., Chong, R.K.K., McEnroe, S.A., Simpson, E.T., Matsui, Y., and Putnis, A. (2009) The application of Lorentz transmission electron microscopy to the study of lamellar magnetism in hematite-ilmenite. American Mineralogist, 94, 262-269.
  60. Harrison, R.J. (2009) Magnetic ordering in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution: A computational study of the low-temperature spin glass region, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q02Z02, doi:101029/2008GC002240.
  61. Catalan, G., Sardar, K., Church, N.S., Scott, J.F., Harrison, R.J., and Redfern, S.A.T. (2009) Effect of chemical substitution on the Néel temperature of multiferroic Bi1-xCaxFeO3. Phys. Rev. B 79, 212415 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.212415
  62. Feinberg, J.M. and Harrison, R.J. (2009) Mineral Magnetism: From Microbes to Meteorites. Guest Editors of Elements Vol. 5 Issue 4.
  63. Harrison, R.J. and Feinberg, J.M. (2009) Mineral Magnetism: Providing New Insights Into Geoscience Processes. Elements, 5, 209-215.
  64. Galindo-Gonzalez, C., Feinberg, J.M., Kasama, T., Cervera Gontard, L., Pósfai, M., Kósa, I., Duran, J.D.G., Gil1, J.E., Harrison, R.J., and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. (2009) Magnetic and microscopic characterization of magnetite nanoparticles adhered to clay surfaces. American Mineralogist, 94, 1120 – 1129.
  65. Brownlee, S.J., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Kasama, T., Scott, G.R., and Renne, P.R. (2010) Thermal modification of hematite-ilmenite intergrowths in the Ecstall pluton, British Columbia, Canada. American Mineralogist, 95, 153–160.
  66. Mcneil, R., Schneble, R., Kataoka, M., Ford, C., Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Barnes, C., Tse, D., Trypiniotis, T., Bland, J., Anderson, D., Jones, G., and Pepper, M. (2010) Localized Magnetic Fields in Arbitrary Directions Using Patterned Nanomagnets. Nano Letters. DOI: 10.1021/nl902949v.
  67. Harrison, R.J., McEnroe, S.A., Robinson, P., and Howard, C.J. (2010) Spin orientation in a natural Ti-bearing hematite: evidence for an out-of-plane component. American Mineralogist, 95, 974–979.
  68. Nabi, H.S., Harrison, R.J., and Pentcheva, R. (2010) Magnetic coupling parameters at an oxide-oxide interface from first principles: Fe2O3-FeTiO3. Physical Review B, 81, 214432. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.214432
  69. Kasama, T., Church, N.S., Feinberg, J.M., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Harrison, R.J. (2010) Direct observation of ferrimagnetic/ferroelastic domain interactions in magnetite below the Verwey transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 297 10–17. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.05.004
  70. Harrison, R.J. and Salje, E.K.H. (2010) The noise of the needle: avalanches of a single progressing needle domain in LaAlO3. Applied Physics Letters, 97, 021907.
  71. Church, N., Feinberg, J. and Harrison, R.J. (2011) Low-temperature domain wall pinning in titanomagnetite. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12, Q07Z27, doi:10.1029/2011GC003538.
  72. Brownlee, S., Feinberg, J.M., Kasama, T., Harrison, R.J., Scott, G., and Renne, P. (2011) Magnetic properties of ilmenite-hematite single crystals from the Ecstall pluton near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12, Q07Z29, doi:10.1029/2011GC003622.
  73. Harrison, R.J. and Salje, E.K.H. (2011) Ferroic switching, avalanches and the Larkin length: needle domains in LaAlO3. Applied Physics Letters, 99, 151915; doi:10.1063/1.3650475.
  74. Lappe, S.L.L., Church, N.S., Kasama, T., Bastos da Silva Fanta, A., Bromiley, G., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Feinberg, J.M., Russell, S., Harrison, R.J. (2011) Mineral magnetism of dusty olivine: a credible recorder of pre-accretionary remanence. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2011GC003811.
  75. Robinson, P., Harrison, R.J., Miyajima, N., McEnroe, S.A., and Fabian, K. (2012) Chemical and magnetic properties of rapidly cooled metastable ferri-ilmenite solid solutions – implications for magnetic self-reversal and exchange bias: II. Chemical changes during quench and annealing. Geophysical Journal International, 188, 447-472.
  76. Frenzel, M., Harrison, R.J., and Harper, E.M. (2011). Nanostructure and crystallography of aberrant columnar vaterite occurring in Corbicula fluminea (Mollusca). Journal of Structural Biology, 178, 8-18.
  77. Z. Zhang, N.S. Church, S.C.L. Lappe, M. Reinecker, A. Fuith, P.J. Saines, R.J Harrison, W. Schranz and M.A. Carpenter (2012) Elastic and anelastic anomalies associated with the antiferromagnetic ordering transition in wüstite, FexO. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24 215404 doi:10.1088/0953-8984/24/21/215404.
  78. Kasama, T., Harrison, R.J., Church, N.S., Nagao, M., Feinberg, J.M., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. (2012) Ferrimagnetic/ferroelastic domain interactions in magnetite below the Verwey transition. Part I: electron holography and Lorentz microscopy. Phase Transitions, 86, 67–87, DOI: 10.1080/01411594.2012.695373.
  79. Bryson, J.F.J., Kasama T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., and Harrison, R.J. (2012) Ferrimagnetic/ferroelastic domain interactions in magnetite below the Verwey transition. Part II: micromagnetic and image simulations. Phase Transitions, 86, 88–102, DOI: 10.1080/01411594.2012.695372.
  80. Varon, M., Beleggia, M., Kasama, T., Harrison R.J., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Puntes, V.F., and Frandsen, C. (2013). Direct observation of dipolar magnetism in low-dimensional nanoparticle assemblies. Scientific Reports, 3, 1234, DOI: 10.1038/srep01234.
  81. Robinson, P, Fabian, K, Harrison, R.J., and McEnroe, S.A. (2012) Chemical and magnetic properties of rapidly cooled metastable ferri-ilmenite solid solutions: implications for magnetic self-reversal and exchange bias-III. Magnetic interactions in samples produced by Fe-Ti ordering. Geophysical Journal International, 191, 1025–1047.
  82. Oravova, L. Zhang, Z., Church, N.S., Harrison, R.J., Howard, C.J., and Carpenter, M.A. (2013) Elastic and anelastic relaxations accompanying magnetic ordering and spin-flop transitions in hematite, Fe2O3. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25, 116006, doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/11/116006.
  83. Harrison, R.J., Palin, E.J. and Perks, N. (2013) A computational study of cation ordering in the magnesioferrite-qandilite (MgFe2O4-Mg2TiO4) solid solution: a magnesium analogue of titanomagnetite? American Mineralogist, 98, 698–708.
  84. Lappe, S.C.L.L, Feinberg, J.M., Muxworthy, A.R. and Harrison, R.J. (2013) Comparison and calibration of non-heating paleointensity methods: A case study using dusty olivine. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14, 2143–2158, doi:10.1002/ ggge.20141.
  85. Harrison, R.J, Hochella, M.F. Jr., Murphy, K. and Vaughan, D.J. (2013) One hundred mineralogical questions impacting the future of the earth, planetary and environmental sciences. Elements, 9, 168-170.
  86. Robinson, P., McEnroe S.A, Fabian K., Harrison, R.J., Thomas, C.I. and Mukai, H. (2013) Chemical and magnetic properties of rapidly cooled metastable ferri-ilmenite solid solutions: IV. The fine structure of self-reversed thermo-remanent magnetization. Geophysical Journal International, 196 (3), 1375-1396, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt486.
  87. Bryson, J. F., Church, N. S., Kasama, T. and Harrison, R.J. (2014) Nanomagnetic intergrowths in Fe-Ni meteoritic metal: the potential for time-resolved records of planetesimal dynamo fields. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 388, 237–248.
  88. Bryson J.F., Herrero-Albillos, J., Kronast, F., Ghidini, M., Redfern, S.A.T., van der Laan, G. and Harrison, R.J. (2014) Nanopaleomagnetism of meteoritic Fe–Ni studied using X-ray photoemission electron microscopy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 396, 125–133.
  89. Brok, E., Sales, M., Lefmann, K.Theil Kuhn, L., Schmidt, W.F., Roessli, B., Robinson, P., McEnroe, S.A. and Harrison, R.J. (2014) Physical Review B, 89, 054430.

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