NPM Santa Fe Talks Available for Download
Nanopaleomagnetism had a high profile at the IRM’s 10th Santa Fe meeting last week, with P.I. Richard Harrison presenting two invited talks including work from group members Ioan Lascu and James Bryson. Both talks highlighted how the research we are performing within the group is being enhanced by the software tools we are developing as part of the ERC project (FORCinel, ATHLETICS and the upcoming FORCulator). Copies of the two talks are available from the links below, as well as from our publications page.
Magnetic Microscopy: seeing is believing
The philosophy of FORCs: what to do, how to do it and why
The second talk formed part of a dedicated FORC workshop. Links to the other presentations by Ramon Egli, Dave Heslop and Michael Winklhofer will be uploaded to the FORC workshop website.